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Tourism Interns Study With Passions

By January 29, 2015August 22nd, 2022Reef News & Info

Showing visitors the Great Barrier Reef is the ultimate way to get work experience, according to United States tourism student Rachel Kane.

Ms Kane, who is in the final year of her degree in tourism management at Central Washington University, is undertaking a 10-week internship in Cairns with Passions of Paradise through International Studies Abroad.

“The Great Barrier Reef is so beautiful. To see it every day is amazing, and what is even more amazing is it counts towards my degree,” she said.

“My duties include leading the snorkelling tour and my favourite part is talking to guests from all over the world. I have met people who live near my college and others from half way across the world.”

Passions of Paradise Chief Executive Officer Scotty Garden said the locally-owned company had been hosting interns for more than a decade with the international students undertaking a variety of degrees including marine biology and sales and marketing.

“The students spend a lot of time in the world’s most amazing classroom – the Great Barrier Reef – as well as working with our staff to learn about reservations, sales and marketing, management, social media, and operating sustainability in a World Heritage area,” he said.

“This hands-on experience is invaluable in helping the students embark on their careers and we hope they will gain an insight into eco-tourism and its important role in preserving the world’s assets for future generations.

“Rachel is in the US Air Force Reserve and I am an Army Reservist so I will also take her to see the 51st Battalion Alpha Company in Cairns.”

Ms Kane has been using social media to make her friends and family envious which included a picture of her waving a Seattle Seahawks 12th man flag underwater on the Great Barrier Reef.

When she started with Passions of Paradise Ms Kane immediately asked for a day’s leave on Monday February 2 off so she could watch her favourite team in the Super Bowl.

“The 12th man is what the fans are called and the Seahawks will be the 12th team in National Football League history returning to the Super Bowl so 12 is a lucky number – obviously they are going to win,” she said.

“I’ll be taking my flag and wearing my jersey to PJ O’Brien’s Super Bowl party on Monday and hopefully I’ll meet some other Seahawk fans there.”

International Studies Abroad (ISA) has been a leader in the International Education field since 1987 with offices in more than 31 countries.
